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Change starts with you.


1. Clarify what you want to change.

2. Commit to your cause.

3. Charge forward.

4. Change.


YOU will change with Coaching.


A coach helps you clarify your goals, challenge ideals, cease negative patterns, capture successes, choose your best, commit to self, create strategies, and celebrate progress.


A coach is an advocate, a sounding board, a cheerleader, an accountability partner, a truth teller and your biggest supporter.  Your sessions are future-based and action-oriented.  Coaching is the art of guiding another person or persons towards fulfilling futures.  Clients invent goals that are exciting, valuable and intensely personal.  We facilitate change and development.  Clients discover their own solutions.



1.  Start by calling 218.940.2469 or emailing Chelle at  You can also fill in the Connect Now form.


2.  Test it.  Schedule a half hour free coaching session. 


3. Commit to it; be open to change.


4. Schedule your time; change doesn't happen immediately.  Make sure you have set aside time to focus on you and the changes you desire.


5.  Celebrate your success!  Even small steps.  You will be amazed at the change you can make with intention.




Commitment – YOU are the key to your successes!  To move forward towards the future you dream of, goals must be identified, barriers must be removed, resources must be gathered, timeframes must be set, and tasks must be accomplished.   I am committed to supporting clients in their change.


Timeframe – Typical clients contract for three months to one year; however some are longer, some are shorter.  Sessions are 45 minutes to 1-1/2 hours, three times a month.  Unlimited email contact and micro-sessions (10 minute solution oriented sessions) are included.


Costs – Contact Chelle to discuss monthly, three to six months, or annual contract fees.  Special projects are negotiated.  Contracts for group coaching on a case-by-case basis.


ENTREPRENEUR:  Set bigger goals.  Move into that “next level” of business – working ON your business, not just IN your business.  Entrepreneurs are looking to grow in extreme ways – new adventures, new products, new districts/locations, and more, more, more.  Many times we are too busy just trying to complete the day to day tasks that are at hand or we are looking at the trees instead of the forest.  I can help to get through those moments and clarify what the next moves will be.


MANAGER/SMALL BUSINESS OWNER:  If you are looking to position your business for growing into the next phase of it, then this level of coaching is for you.  I have transitioned hundreds of small business owners from the $500,000 to $1.5 Million level.  Identifying needs for growth – whether it is job costing, human resources, or time management, I will assess your business with you and determine needs for your growth.


ADD/ADHD: Although I do not diagnose, I do enjoy the gifts that those with ADD/ADHD possess.  I will work with you to develop manageable systems that will work for you to complete tasks, in a stress-free space, while building confidence in the gift and working with it, rather than against it.


LEADERSHIP:  Develop your skills of leading a team, staff, family, social groups, etc.  Find the inner strengths you contain and let those gremlins go that prevent you from successes.


LOVE:  Based on the award winning book, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, I help to identify your strongest love language, see how it works throughout each of your relationships, and how you can harness that knowledge.  In the workspace, Appreciation in the Workplace by Dr. Gary Chapman and Paul White, gives us the insight to bringing love languages to your colleagues.   I offer workshops and tools based on these two books.


HEALTH & WELLNESS:  Whether you are looking for balance, structure, support or other wellness, you will find coaching can bring you to the change you desire.  Support can kick start, motivate, or complete the implementation of goals dreamt up.   


I have many, many tools in my resource kit to help.  This list is not exhaustive, and even if it doesn’t include “the specialty” that you may think you need, please call for an initial coaching session to see if I am a good fit for you.




Health & Wellness


Small Business Owner

ADD/ADHD gifted


Nutrition and Exercise



My clients range from small business owners to serial entrepreneurs, some interested in marketing a new product, others wanting to figure out their leadership styles.  


Health and Wellness Clients are focused on creating balance, discovering purpose and cause, calculating next steps and rising from challenges of daily life.   We've worked on everything from alcohol use/abuse to chronic sleep issues, nutrition and exercise to discovery of hobbies and passions.   A deep passion is supporting our caregivers in realizing their dreams.


My clients are always surprised by the changes they are capable of making.



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Making the Most of It (stay at home time)

Are you a small business owner having to take a step back from business during shut downs due to the COVID-19?  This list of items will provide ways to make the most of your time.


Clarity from Coaching.

Are you looking for clarity in your life?  Let a coach help.

Extroverted tips for the Introvert

Nervous nelly?  We can help.

Are you a Thinker or a Feeler?

Language barriers lead to common communication challenges.  Learn your language.


Step 1: Make the call.

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